The Good Place wrapped up its final episode earlier this year in what was an incredibly emotional and hilarious final episode. It was an incredibly popular series that was entirely uplifting and incredibly consistent from both a humor and storytelling perspective.

It was an entertaining show that was also incredibly insightful and educational, giving people plenty to think about in terms of ethical decisions. While the show was very much to the point and factual at times, it also opened discussions up for viewers to have.

As with any great television show, people didn’t want The Good Place to end, and even though it now has there are still many questions that people have about the series and the way it ended.

Who Runs The Good Place?

When the group finally makes it into The Good Place, they quickly learn that things aren’t as perfect as they first thought it might be. Michael ends up unintentionally taking on the role of an architect without knowing so, and has to run everything for them.

While he has the help of the group initially, they end up moving on and he is left alone until he also leaves, becoming a human. So the question is, which architect is actually in charge and running things following his departure?

Does Mindy Make It To The Good Place?

Mindy St. Claire is one of The Good Place’s most interesting supporting characters. Living out on her own in The Medium Place, she enjoys her own company and doesn’t really want to commit to joining the ‘system’ that is actually in place.

However, Eleanor attempts to convince Mindy to go through the new test and while she agrees to do that, we never actually see it happen. That means it’s unknown if she actually goes through with her word, or if she manages to get in.

How Does Tahani’s Architect Journey Go?

Just before Tahani makes the decision to walk through the portal to end her existence, she decides there is one thing she needs to do, learn to be an architect. Michael happily takes her on that journey, trying to teach her and help her stick around, but we don’t know how that progresses.

How well does she do within the role? Does she eventually become a top architect, and if she does manage to achieve that goal, what does she end up creating, what ideas does she bring to the table? There’s a lot of unanswered situations in regards to Tahani.

Does The System Stay?

As we learned in The Good Place, things can easily change. The system that had been in place throughout all of time was eventually changed thanks to Eleanor and the rest of the group, and who’s to say that won’t happen again down the line?

What if another set of people decide that this system isn’t fair or has some issues? There’s no telling if the system will stay in place as it is, or if there will be any changes in the future.

Will Shawn Change?

While Shawn does agree to the ideas that the group bring about how a new system should work, it certainly affects him and The Bad Place. Shawn has previously not taken the idea of change very well, often being great at lying and being deceitful.

This begs the question as to whether or not Shawn would continue to go along with the plan, especially once Michael and the rest of the group (minus Tahani) have gone. It would make sense, knowing his characteristics that he might just make a play for things to change.

How Does The Good Place Become Boring?

The idea of never dying clearly gets the best of the main group during their time in The Good Place, but a lot of people want to know how that is possible, and why. They can literally open a door to take them anywhere in the world, which surely opens up tons of possibilities that should entertain them.

On top of that, with the new system, The Good Place should be filling with new people regularly, which would allow new conversations, friendships, and ideas to be brought. It seems like the perfect living situation, which is why a lot of people want to know more detail about why it’s not liveable in the end.

What Does Janet Do?

Even though Janet makes it clear throughout the series that she is not a human, or a robot, she does clearly begin to develop feelings that make her feel human. Janet marries Jason and clearly has a fondness for all of the main group, but things all change for her when the show ends.

Her husband is gone, her friends are gone, even Michael is on Earth, which leaves the question of what happens to Janet? Is she able to go through the door if she so wishes, or is that banned? Does she find love again, or a new group?

Does Michael Make It To The Good Place?

While Michael spends his entire life as a demon, in the final episode of the show he gets his ultimate dream of becoming a human. He lands on Earth and begins his human life, attempting to do as much good as possible as he knows what is at stake.

However, we only get a quick glimpse of his life on Earth, so we don’t actually know how things go for him. Does Michael manage to actually get into The Good Place when his time on Earth eventually comes to an end?

Does Tahani Go Through The Door?

When The Good Place ends, Tahani is the only one of the main characters that choose to stay in The Good Place. She begins her journey to become an architect and doesn’t leave, but does that doesn’t guarantee that she will not choose to go through the door.

Becoming an architect was the last thing on her list and with her friends no longer around, what is going to keep her from not following in their footsteps? However, we will never truly find out what happens to Tahani, which is a huge shame since she was such a big part of the show.

What Happens When You Go Through The Door?

While it is made clear that when people inside The Good Place step through the portal, they will be gone forever, can we guarantee that is the case? This would technically mean that people would die twice in a lifetime which does seem quite confusing.

Even though we are told that everyone who goes through the portal ends up being gone forever, we never actually see what happens. Do they just turn into dust? Do they explode? Who knows, perhaps they end up in another place…opening the possibility for the show to one day return. Or is that just wishful thinking?