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I’ve tried a number of Mac email clients over the years before settling (for now) on Postbox, but if I were running a company, I’d definitely give Hiri a whirl. Once your company grows, however, the chances are you’re going to need Office 365 and Exchange compatibility – and that’s what the company is now working on … 

Hiri is built around the idea of separating essential emails from nice-to-know ones, allowing team members to choose who needs to action an email and who just needs to be kept in the loop. The video above gives a good overview. The app also takes what it calls a Four D’s approach to email management, inviting you to Delegate, Defer, Do or Delete each one as you read it.

I’m less convinced about the email timer – aiming to reduce the frequency with which you check emails – and the rating system to provide feedback to your colleagues on their email-writing skills.

There’s little point to the app unless the rest of your team is using it, but if you run a business and want to take it for a spin, you can download the beta from Hiri’s website.