If you use Shazam to note music you’d like to listen to later, that just got easier with the latest version of the iOS app: you can set it so that all the tracks you Shazam are automatically added to a My Shazam Tracks in Rdio.

Shazam was last updated in September, with instant previews of tweeted tracks and faster song recognition on older iPhones. Press release below … 

Available in the latest update for the Shazam Apps on iOS devices, coming soon to Android

New York & London – December 9, 2013 – Shazam®, the world’s leading media engagement company, today announced that the company’s latest update for its iOS apps seamlessly integrates with Rdio’s music streaming service, making it easy for Rdio users to listen to all of their Shazamed songs inside the Rdio app.  With just a couple of steps, Shazam users can connect to Rdio, which instantly creates a new “My Shazam Tracks” playlist in Rdio that automatically updates with every new song a user Shazams.

“Streaming services have become a part of music lovers’ everyday lives,” said Shazam Chief Product Officer, Daniel Danker. “Simplicity has always been at the heart of the Shazam experience, and, today, Shazam builds on that simplicity by making it effortless for Rdio users to listen to all their Shazamed songs.”

When the more than 150 million Shazam iPhone, iPad or iPod touch users get this update, or when people download the new app, they will receive a message in their Shazam Newsfeed about the new Rdio playlist feature.  Once they connect with Rdio and create the “My Shazam Tracks” playlist, all of the users’ existing Shazamed tracks will be imported into the playlist.  Additionally, the app will add any new Shazamed songs to the playlist, automatically.

 “Integration with Shazam’s service is a great fit that leverages both our strengths,” said Chris Becherer, Rdio’s Vice President of Product. “Shazam is the best way to discover new music when people are out at clubs, cafes and restaurants.  This update makes it easy for Rdio users to relive an amazing night out, song for song, through the Rdio app.”

The improved Rdio integration is available in the Free and Encore versions for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, and come with unlimited tagging, giving fans more opportunities to engage with music and television content.  This feature will also launch on Android devices in the coming weeks.