The new Avengers: Endgame footage includes Nebula (Karen Gillan) sharing details about Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) “retirement plan.” Last week, description of the footage shown at the Disney shareholders meeting confirmed Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) and Nebula joining Captain America (Chris Evans) and the rest of the remaining heroes in Avengers HQ as they come up with a plan to find the Mad Titan. Now, additional information is revealed including a significant piece of dialogue from Nebula that might help Earth’s Mightiest Heroes locate the villain.
After enacting the snap in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos transported himself to an unknown location, leaving the Avengers at shock watching their allies disintegrate into dust. By the end of the film, audiences saw him gazing at the horizon with a look of fulfilment on his face. Since then, speculation has swirled where this new planet is. The first trailer for Endgame confirmed that the Mad Titan has settled peacefully in the planet with parallels to the final scene of Jim Starlin’s original Infinity Gauntlet miniseries, with him retiring to live as a farmer. As it turns out, Thanos knew of this spot even before the events of Avengers 3 as tipped by the recently-revealed dialogue from the said Avengers 4 footage.
Scott Ladewig, who previously shared information about the latest Endgame scene has taken it to his Twitter to reveal additional details regarding the aforementioned footage. Apparently, Nebula is aware of Thanos’ location as he used to talk about it while “perfecting” her. As a retort, someone from the heroes present in the the meeting said that the Mad Titan “has a retirement plan.” She eventually reveals the name of the planet, but, unfortunately, Ladewig wasn’t able to catch it.
Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo said in an interview back in December that they really didn’t have a name for the mysterious planet so they only called it Titan 2. But according to these fresh details, it seems like the planet has been long-ingrained in the narrative plan for the twin Avengers sequels. They introduced three new planets in Infinity War with Vormir, Nidavellir and Titan and the could be doing the same for the upcoming ensemble film.
This particular sequence will more likely take place early on in the movie, and assuming that the Avengers make their way to Thanos’ planet, it’s safe to say that a part of the film will find the remaining heroes traveling in space. Aside from the cosmic-based heroes, only Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) has left Earth, making it interesting to see the likes of more-grounded characters like Captain America and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) possibly do the same. Set photos from the film confirm that some of the battle sequence will still take place in Earth, meaning that if they ever fly to outer space they will eventually make their way back.
Considering that Nebula is the only remaining character who has the longest personal ties to Thanos, where she endured years of torture from him, it makes sense that she will play a pivotal part in his eventual fall in Avengers: Endgame. However, simply locating him might not easily solve all the problems posed by The Decimation. If anything, taking down the Mad Titan and hopefully restoring peace and order in the universe will be accomplished with every hero in the film’s line up playing their respective roles.
More: How Captain Marvel Connects To Avengers: Endgame
Source: Scott Ladewig
- captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02