If your Apple iPhone constantly in need of a charge, odds are it might need to be replaced. Often, many assume a faulty charger is to blame for a shorter battery lifespan when often an old battery is really to blame. Here is a guide that will help you be able to detect the signs of an iPhone battery that needs to be replaced.
Following the iOS 10.2.1 update, older iPhones may slow down as their batteries drain. The stalling is due to a change Apple made to the way devices manage their power. You don’t need to change your battery if the slowdown is happening, but if you replace the old battery, your phone may speed up dramatically. You can confirm this by navigating to settings and accessing the battery health option inside of the battery menu. If your iPhone has a blurb that reads “your battery’s health is significantly degraded,” replace the battery.
An iPhone may show some physical signs of age if the battery is in trouble. Run a hand across the back of the phone to check. If you feel a notable bulge, safely discard the battery as soon as possible. Apple batteries are not user replaceable, so you’ll need help from a professional. Other signs of a swollen battery include bulging or a visible split between the body of the phone and the screen. Also, if the phone won’t work unless plugged in, or is physically hot or warm, the battery might be too old to function properly.
Additional iPhone Tips and Battery Disposal
Be sure the battery is faulty before replacing it. In the system settings battery menu, check the timers labeled usage and standby. After making a note of their numbers, place the iPhone into standby for 5 minutes. Once done, go back to the battery menu. The standby time should be 5 minutes higher, while the usage timer should not have moved. If the usage timer has changed significantly, the problem could be linked to the iPhone’s software.
Apple faced some harsh criticism when it was revealed that older batteries resulted in intentionally slowed performance. In response to this, Apple reduced the cost of battery replacement to just $29. So if you believe your battery is nearing the end of its life, it could be a lot cheaper to get a new battery at your nearest Apple Store instead of buying an entirely new phone.
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