Nemesis The Warlock is one of 2000 AD’s best characters. 2000 AD is a famous British sci-fi comic that debuted in 1977 and introduced readers to a host of cool characters The comics featured lurid, violent artwork and a dark sense of humor, and while most parents weren’t happy about their children reading it, it soon became a cultural institution. It also served as a launchpad for a number of famed writers, including Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Garth Ennis (Preacher) and many others.
2000 AD also has a roster of iconic heroes and villains, including Rogue Trooper, Halo Jones, and Strontium Dog. Their most popular anti-hero is Judge Dredd, a cop in a post-apocalyptic future who is tasked with bringing law to the overpopulated and crime-infested Mega-City One. The character has been described as a futuristic Dirty Harry, and he’s received two movie adaptations to date. The first was Judge Dredd, a big-budget 1995 blockbuster that was slammed by fans for turning the character into a generic action hero. The movie bombed and the second attempt Dredd starring Karl Urban arrived in 2012. The movie received strong reviews but also proved to be a financial letdown.
A TV series set in the 2000 AD universe dubbed Judge Dredd: Mega-City One has been in the works for a couple of years, with Urban tentatively attached to reprise the role. One character who probably won’t receive a live-action adaptation - sadly - is Nemesis The Warlock. Nemesis was created by Pat Mills, and the story takes place in an oppressive future where both Earth and much of the universe is ruled over by the brutal Termight Empire, which seeks to wipe out all non-human forms of life. Leading this quest is the evil Torquemada, but their efforts are resisted by an alien being called Nemesis, who looks somewhat demonic in appearance and has magical abilities.
In addition to the gorgeous artwork and dense mythology of Nemesis The Warlock, it also explored complex themes, including xenophobia, genocide and the nature of good vs evil. Nemesis might technically be the good guy, but his hatred of humanity and Torquemada reaches the fanatical levels of his enemy, and he’s willing to commit some dark deeds in order to win. Torquemada rules of an army of follows called “Terminators,” and his famous catchphrase is “Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!”
Nemesis The Warlock was a dark, almost despairing series that looked at the worst aspects of humanity. Even the title character was something of a monster, even if his intentions are good. The series came to an end in 1999 with Nemesis scoring something of a pyrrhic victory against Torquemada. Unlike Judge Dredd, the character isn’t likely to receive a movie, though he did appear in a C64 video game and English band Shriekback’s video for their single “Nemesis” also featured a performer in a Nemesis The Warlock costume.
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