Net Applications is out today with a new survey that paints iPad’s web usage share 53 times greater compared to Android slates. As always, their findings stem from tracking browser and operating system usage across their global network of more than 40,000 websites so you should take them with a pinch of salt. Of course, iPad’s web usage lead might progressively decrease as the Android camp carries out their tablet carpet bombing. For now, though, iPad is king. Now, onto the numbers, more amazing facts plus nice embedded chart from Net Applications…

Apple’s tablet now accounts for almost one percent of all web browsing (0.92 percent) across all devices, mobile or not. Compared that to Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and Motorola’s Xoom – two popular Android tablets – that account for 0.018 percent and 0.012 percent of total web usage share, respectively. Research In Motion’s BlackBerry PlayBook barely blips with a measly 0.003 web usage share. No matter how you spin it, iPad leads the pack by a large margin. “In other words, the iPad has 53 times the usage share of its nearest competitor,” noted Net Applications. Another tidbit: Cumulative web usage share across all iOS gadgets (iPhones, iPod touches and iPads) now represents nearly half the Mac’s web usage share: 2.38 percent in total for iOS devices versus 5.32 percent for Macs. Compared that to all Android smartphones and tablets that accounted for 0.76 percent in Net Applications’ survey. Windows, of course, came in first with a 88.69 percent web usage share.