Netflix is developing a modern Three Musketeers movie. The popular streaming platform has been consistently in the news as of late, as it continuous to evolve and expand. After securing three Oscars with Roma, Netflix’s commitment to creating original content, as well as developing new films and programs, seems to be progressing at an impressive rate, with competitors battling to keep pace.

As the challenge to remain at the top of the subscription streaming service providers intensifies, numerous services are often looking to find success with older, established IPs such as Sailor Moon at Hulu or Peanuts at Apple. Netflix has already proven themselves adept at this concept, having given Archie comics characters new life with its popular Chilling Adventures of Sabrina series, as well as bringing back beloved series like Arrested Development. With so many stories offering potential for new directions and takes, now seems just as good a time as any to dig a little deeper and further intrigue subscribers.

With that concept in mind, Netflix has decided to draw on a story that has proven itself timeless. THR is reporting that a modern feature film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ classic 1844 novel The Three Musketeers is currently in development at Netflix. Exactly what year the modernized version will take place in is currently unknown, but Netflix is describing the action-adventure film as having a Mission: Impossible tone.

The story of The Three Musketeers follows a young Frenchman called d’Artagnan who wants nothing more than to join the famous Musketeers of the Guard in Paris. The fighting company existed as an army of the French monarchy, and when d’Artagnan is rejected from joining their ranks, he manages to befriend the Guard’s three most well-known and admired musketeers, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. Once in their company, d’Artagnan joins the trio on a variety of adventures. Arguably one of the most adapted stories in history since its initial publication, The Three Musketeers has been realized on stage, television, in animated form, in video games and tabletop games, comic books, and even with a modern day, gender swapped, LGTBQ web series. In short, this is an IP with a seemingly endless array of possibilities.

It’s interesting to consider what Netflix could do with something as malleable as the story of The Three Musketeers. The fact that it’s being described as Mission: Impossible in tone is intriguing, though unless the film casts a proven, substantial name in its lead, it’s going to be very hard to maintain that comparison. Fans of the Mission: Impossible series love it for its globe-trotting storytelling and high-intensity, death-defying Tom Cruise stunts, so unless this new adaptation of The Three Musketeers can compete on that level, Netflix may be doing more harm than good by making such a bold initial comparison.

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Source: THR