Originally introduced in January, Netflix has rolled out its Super HD video quality option to all devices and users. Originally, the ability was restricted to certain devices connected to only a few internet service providers, but now it is accessible to anyone with the right internet speed.

Super HD is quality better than standard 1080p, as it is full-HD video without certain compression techniques used on standard 1080p playback. As for the Apple TV, Super HD is compatible with the version introduced in March 2012 with the A5 processor. Super HD-supported content will have a Super HD banner in the Netflix Apple TV app. Earlier today, Apple added MLS Soccer and Disney Junior channels to the Apple TV.

This means that the great TV shows and movies on Netflix will look even better on HD screens with a higher bit rate stream, Super HD, that applies less compression to the 1080p image.

We initially rolled out Super HD in January only through ISPs with a direct connection to Netflix. Based on the performance data we’ve seen, and in response to member requests, we are now expanding availability to give all our members the ability to enjoy Netflix in the best possible quality.