The magic of Thra, from the smallest green sprout to the epic adventures of the intrepid heroes, made the original film The Dark Crystal an endearing cult hit. The talents of master creators like Jim Henson and Frank Oz have been brought to the screen again in the modern era.

The Netflix series was greeted with equal enthusiasm by old and new fans alike, and we can’t wait for our favorite characters to return in Season Two. Here are just a few of the adventures, storylines, and character arcs that we’d like to see continue in the second season of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. 

Deet’s Vision

Gentle Deet, the gritty little Grotten and our favorite character, paid a high price at the end of last season to save her friends and take on the power of the Sanctuary Tree. Only Rian seems to have some inclination to the gravity of the situation. What’s the meaning behind her chilling visions? What is the true nature of the Blight? Most importantly, what will happen to Deet? And will she use her dark powers in battle again?

The All-Maudra

Political upheaval can be the beginning of the downfall of a great civilization. We watch this process happen with the seemingly all-powerful Vapra Clan. We might have disagreed with the All-Maudra at times, but he was a strong leader. Her loss fractured the unity of the Seven Clans, and her oldest daughter Seladon was not emotionally ready for the lead role. By the season finale, the Clans have united to fight the Skeksis, but can Seladon hold the alliance together in Season Two?

The Arathim And The Garthim

As of the end of the first season, we know that the Arathim are now aligned with the Gelfling, which should turn the tables on the Skeksis. However, the Skeksis have created the powerful Garthim, a force that we know from the movie. What happens to the Arathim? Do they return to their hiding places underground, or were they killed by the Skeksis along with the Gelflings?

Hup The Paladin

At the end of Season One, Hup is separated from Deet. His injuries keep him at the Circle of the Suns, where he is the only character who witnesses the heroic resurrection and demise of the Archer. The Heretic and his companion, the Wanderer, are absent from this scene and it appears that Hup has been left alone. What became of his hosts? And how can he leave the Circle of the Suns, where shifting sand makes travel on foot impossible?

Aughra’s Quest

After many humorous tries, Aughra was able to hear Thra’s song. She was also able to thwart the Skeksis attempt to drain her essence and saved the three royal sisters in the process, an act that finally redeemed the wayward Seladon. Her various quests include guiding the heroes, healing the crystals, and stopping the Blight. If you know the movie, you know that Aughra doesn’t exactly succeed. Or does she?

The Heretic And The Wanderer

Speaking of the Heretic and the Wanderer, what happened to these characters? They seem to disappear after the Hunter attacks their home and takes Brea as a way to bait Rian. Then they just seem to disappear.

This mystery deepens when we discover their riddle about the hidden crystal shard in the sword hilt. Were the other Skeksis aware that the Heretic and Wanderer had hidden the shard? Why didn’t they ever go looking for it if they did? Did they know it was missing? Now that the shard ha been found, we might find out in Season Two.

Deet And Rian

There’s definitely some kind of profound connection forming between these two characters. Rian is drawn to Deet’s honesty, kindness and cheerful spirit, as this is also what drew him to Mira. As Mira’s life was cut short, it seems like Deet is facing a similar dark fate. Both Rian and Hup are united in their love for the gentle Grotten but can they save her from the Blight, the Skeksis, and the deadly Garthim?

The Prophecy

We have yet to see or hear a whisper of the prophecy that formed the central plot in the movie. Even in the film, there’s very little information about how old the prophecy is or where it came from. All we know is that it forms a prominent mural a part of the royal residence in Stone-in-the-Wood, but as of the end of Season One it has yet to be mentioned. Jen can read it many years later, but is it in Gelfling language or is it something his childhood with the Mystics taught him? Was it carved by the Gelflings? Do the Mystics or Aughra have anything to do with it?

The Blight

We know that the Blight has an adverse effect on the plants and animals of Thra, but we also know that there are some parts of the planet that remain safe or clear of the Blight. In the film, for example, Jen grows up in the Valley of the Mystics, which is peaceful, clean, and seemingly untouched by the Blight.

The Emperor also has a strange obsession with its power. In an ironic twist that becomes apparent in the last episode, Deet becomes the vessel of this power, something the most powerful and influential Skeksis has already tried to do, and at great personal cost. Will the Blight affect Deet the same way it eventually will affect the Emperor?

The Mystics

The Mystics wait, hidden quietly away until their time comes. Does this refer to their role in the movie, or are we waiting for something else to happen that involves their gentle magic? Considering how important they are, it seems the story couldn’t happen without them. Only two Mystics have appeared in Age of Resistance so far, and their roles have been crucial. The Wanderer helped the Heretic hide the lost crystal hard. The Archer saved the Gelflings from the Hunter with an act of dramatic self-sacrifice and in the process resurrected Aughra. Will we meet Jen’s Master, the oldest and wisest of the Mystics, in Season Two?