Netflix’s documentary series Cheer follows the Navarro College Cheer Team through an intense, emotional, and occasionally bone-breaking season of preparation for the NCA College Nationals in Daytona, Florida. After the triumph of their win, fans of the show will no doubt be keen for an update on where the cheerleaders are now.

There are 40 cheerleaders in total on the Navarro team, with 20 “on-mat” for the competition. However, Cheer focuses on just a few team members, who came from difficult backgrounds but found purpose under the tutelage of Navarro coach Monica Aldama. There’s La’Darius Marshall, who survived childhood abuse and bullying and became the Navarros’ most talented “stumbler” (performing stunts and tumbling). Tumbler Lexi Brumback ran away from home in her teens and fell in with a bad crowd, but ultimately got her GED and joined the Navarros. And of course there’s the heart of the team, Jerry Harris, who lost his mother to cancer but brings relentless positivity to the team.

In the epilogue of Cheer season 1 we find out that Lexi was kicked off the team for possession of illegal substances, Jerry get into the college of his choice, and La’Darius began coaching young cheerleaders. So, where are they - and the other featured cheerleaders - now?

Jerry Harris

The infinitely lovable Jerry Harris is one of the highlights of Cheer season 1 - especially when he gets to live his dream of being on-mat at Daytona. In the epilogue, Jerry gets awarded a $10,000 scholarship to study at the University of Louisville. However, Jerry is now back at Navarro College, as evidenced by a recent Instagram post that shows him wearing his Navarro uniform and hanging out with his teammates once again.

La’Darius Marshall

In the Cheer season 1 epilogue, we catch up with La’Darius coaching at Zero Gravity Athletics in Gulf Breeze, Florida. As one of the older members of the team, La’Darius’ competitive cheerleading days are pretty much over now (it’s repeatedly stressed in the series that there’s nowhere to go after competing at the college level). In his last interview, he expresses his desire to have financial stability, a house and a family and says that he’s considering becoming a personal trainer and choreographer or - failing everything else - joining the military. According to his most recent Instagram posts, La’Darius now lives in Jackson, Mississippi.

Lexi Brumback

Cheer season 1 ends in an anxious place for Lexi, as she’s kicked off the team after being stopped in a car that had illegal substances in it. She moves back in with her grandmother in Houston, who expresses her fears that Lexi will fall back into dangerous patterns. However, there’s apparently joyous news as a recent Instagram post from Lexi shows her back in her Navarro Cheer outfit and hanging out with her teammates, with the caption, “Honey, I’m home.” Another Instagram post shows her demonstrating her tumbling skills, which have apparently not been diminished by her time off.

Gabi Butler

21 year-old Gabi Butler is easily the most famous member of Cheer’s cast, juggling her competitive cheerleading career with her role as a major social media influencer. At the end of the series, she says that she had decided to leave the Navarro team and move back home with her family, and her father makes plans for an east coast tour. Gabi is currently part of the Top Gun cheerleading team, based in Miami, Florida. She also models clothing for Rebel Athletic.

Morgan Simianer

Top girl Morgan had a hard upwards climb, with her mother having left her at a young age, and her father later leaving to be with a new family. While still a young teenager, Morgan was living by herself in a trailer until her grandparents became aware of her situation and took her in. At the end of Cheer season 1, Morgan decides to stay on at Navarro College for a third year, and she continues to be part of the Navarro College Cheer Team - though a recent Instagram post suggests she has plans to move on to Texas Tech University.

More: What To Expect From Cheer Season 2