Part two of Disenchantment, Netflix’s adult animation series from The Simpsons creator Matt Groening, gets a teaser trailer that drops a big hint about the fate of one of the series’ main characters. The animated series popped up on the streaming service last fall, delivering an irreverent take on fantasy tropes by following Bean (Abbi Jacobsen), a hard-drinking princess who’s none too eager to take part in the patriarchal rituals of father’s kingdom of Dreamland. As such, Bean finds herself involved in a series of misadventures with her magical friend Elfo (Nat Faxon), and tempted by the fun but fiendish demon Luci (Eric André). 

The series premiered in late summer 2018, and though it didn’t shake things up quite like Groening’s overwhelmingly influential and absurdly dysfunctional cartoon family, it seemingly developed a fan base eager to see where Bean, Elfo, and Luci’s story would go next. Fittingly, the fairytale isn’t as magical as it seems, as season 1 ended with what appeared to be Elfo’s demise. But, as the teaser for Disenchantment Part Two indicates, Elfo has not been completely written out of Bean’s story.  

In keeping with its name, the teaser is very short, and it mostly includes footage from season 1, before hinting at Bean’s unexpected call to what is presumably the afterlife. The rest, then, works to set up the particular pickle the series’ characters are in, and how they might find a way out of it. Check out the teaser trailer for Disenchantment Part Two below: 

The teaser also announces that a full trailer for the new season/second part is on its way. The full trailer will no doubt offer more details regarding Bean’s new adventure and how Elfo’s fate plays into where she, and the rest of Dreamland are headed. It will be interesting to see where Groening and his writers plan to take the series, and in what ways they learned from what worked and what didn’t in Part One. Perhaps the trailer will offer up a better indication of the series’ agenda and where it might be going beyond Part Two. 

“Picking up where we left off, Disenchantment Part Two delves deeper into the un-fairytale’s mythology and explores faraway worlds well beyond Dreamland. But one question remains: Have we really seen the last of the beloved Elfo?”

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Disenchantment Part Two will stream exclusively on Netflix beginning Friday, September 20.