Netflix has unveiled a new trailer for the upcoming second season of their original series Master of None starring Aziz Ansari. Upon airing initially during the fall of 2015, the show quickly garnered itself heaps of praise and attentive viewers to the first scripted comedy led in part by Parks and Recreation alumnus Ansari. Co-created with Alan Yang, the show followed the exploits of one Dev Shah, a struggling, first generation Indian-American and thirty-year-old actor hoping to make it big outside of his solitary hit on a Go-Gurt commercial.

The show also featured supporting turns from Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! co-creator Eric Warheim and former Saturday Night Live cast member Noël Wells. Over the course of season one, Master of None quickly built a reputation for itself as a quick witted and sharply aimed critique of how the entertainment industry typically type-casts non-white actors, with a particular focus on the Indian-American and Asian-American experiences. It’s been just over a year now since the first ten episodes premiered on Netflix, which means fans will be more than happy to discover that the first full-length trailer for season two has just made its way online.

In the footage featured above, fans of Master of None can catch another glimpse behind the scenes of the next season of the critically acclaimed comedy series, with plenty of teases towards the kinds of antics and shenanigans that they can expect Dev to get up to next. Season two will reportedly see Dev returning to New York City after spending a significant amount of time traveling abroad and soul searching, but will come back to reunite with an old confidant of significant importance.

The new series is all set to feature returning appearances from Warheim as Dev’s schlubby best friend Arnold Baumheiser and Lena Waithe as his lesbian confidante Denise, as well as a noticeable turn from Vinyl lead actor Bobby Cannavale. In addition, fans of seeing Ansari’s real-life mother and father will not be disappointed, as both of Dev’s parents will be making a more than welcome return to the Netflix Original Series as well, when season two sees its premiere online later next month.

Ansari was always an oft-cited fan favorite as the irascible entrepreneur Tom Haverford on Parks and Recreation, but with Master of None the stand-up comedian has found a far more nuanced platform to articulate some of his more personally felt experiences through a character that bears more than a few striking similarities to himself. With any luck, season two of Master of None will be another success for Ansari.

Master of None season two premieres on Netflix on May 12, 2017.

Source: Netflix