The A List originally aired on BBC in 2018 and came to Netflix this year. It is a supernatural teen drama that is part Lost with its mystical island and part Lord of the Flies with the savage competition between two Queen Bees. There is never a dull moment in this summer camp of elite teens. On the surface, we have Mia, the Queen Bee, usurped by a rival queen, Amber. However, everything is not all right with Amber as she has extraordinary powers, brainwashing various campmates and causing them to serve her.

Once Mia joins the group of outcasts, she discovers more unbelievable things. Apparently, they all were at the camp a year ago, and a girl named Midge had a fatal accident and died. Only no one can remember Midge, nor can they remember the previous year with much clarity. She and her crew also discover that when Midge “died” the plant chemicals got into her blood and created Amber, so Midge is alive in Amber. Throughout the show, it appears that Midge is trapped in Amber and that Amber is a frightening foe. However, we suspect that things may be different than they first seem, leading us to a stream of questions that will hopefully be answered in Season 2.

Who Does Mags Work For?

Mags pretends to be a camp counselor as she observes Amber and the other teens. However, we find out that she was part of the team that worked to save Midge after the fall. Mags appears to have both medical and science know-how. In addition, she understands the island’s unique attributes: The concentration of a chemical that allows plants to talk to each other is very high on the island.

We find out that Mags is working for “them,” but we never find out who they are. Mags tells Mia and the outcasts that she can’t say much more, even though she does acknowledge that the campers are in a type of experiment to see how Amber will react.

Are Their Parents Complacent In This Experiment

A year after a terrible tragedy at camp (the death of Midge), the teens return to the camp. Only, as Mia finds out, this particular camp has been closed since the tragedy.

Still, it has been a year, and their parents let them go back. Did their parents actually know about this experiment? Or could it be that all of their parents are as negligent as Mia’s parents seem to be?

Why Can Mia Resist Amber?

While there are characters who can resist Amber, they are few. Even those few can be temporarily brainwashed by Amber when she is at her strongest (i.e. Alex). However, no matter how strong or how weak Amber is, she can never influence Mia.

What does Mia have in her personality that causes her to be able to resist Amber? Also, unlike others, Amber can’t break Mia’s mind by trying to force the brainwash. Mia appears to be truly unique. Is it because she is another queen?

Is There A Deeper Story to Luka?

Mia meets Luka, a young man trapped on the island, but not part of the summer camp. He tries to stay hidden from everyone and hints at a troubled past. However, we still know very little about Luka. He could have another connection to the island that we don’t know.

Until Mia tells him about Amber, he appears to know nothing about Amber/Midge. There may be more than meets the eye as Luka does like to keep his cards close. He doesn’t let many people in, and the fact that he cares about Mia also attests to her uniqueness.

Often Amber will ask those that she brainwashes if they want her to do it, to take away the pain. If they say yes, they appear to be brainwashed without any harm to them. However, if they don’t consent, problems occur.

For instance, Dave the camp counselor becomes crazy, a fractured piece of who he was. Petal resists Amber, causing Amber to use more force; this breaks Petal, and she seems to regress to a more child-like state.

What Happens to Those Amber Takes Over Of?

All those she brainwashes eventually seem to become husks of themselves. However, where do they go? In the show, it repeats the idea of being lost and trapped. If we listen to Kayleigh when she briefly wakes up after hitting her head, she remembers how awful it was to be taken over by Amber.

She remembers being forced to do things to make Amber happy and feeling like a piece of her had been taken away. However, if we listen to Dev, he says that it is warm and safe with Amber. Is everyone’s experience different?

What Was Midge’s Personality Like, Pre-Amber?

We know very little about Midge except she was an outcast. It appears that she wasn’t exactly bullied by her campmates, but that they just didn’t notice her. Both Mia and Mags try to reach Midge through Amber, telling Midge that they know she is still there.

Mags talks about the Amber-transformation being Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, suggesting that Midge was the good one. However, we don’t know who Midge was and if she was the kind character or not.

Who Was the Real Villain: Amber or Midge?

When they successfully remove Midge from Amber, Amber sits up smiling, saying, “She’s gone. I can feel it. Finally. Midge is gone.” This could mean that the balance to Amber’s evilness is gone, but when a separate Midge actually reappears, it seems to suggest something different.

Amber says to Mia, “What have you done?” And Midge answers, smiling ominously, “You have no idea.” Could it be that Midge was the villain all along and that Amber was trying to contain her, stopping her from doing absolute harm?

Is Amber’s Name Significant?

We know that Amber is connected to the island, especially to the plants, as she seems to be able to communicate with them and heal herself with their powers. Real amber is tree resin that has been fossilized over time. Amber fossils often preserve bugs and other life. Amber has preserved Midge so that technically Midge wouldn’t die.

Did she also preserve parts of Midge, perhaps the worst parts? We could see Midge being angry with Mia and the others at the time of her death. Perhaps that is all Amber was able to preserve, meaning that the other parts of Midge are lost? This would add to the ominous feeling at the end of the series: Maybe it is the resurrected Midge that needs to be feared the most, not Amber.

Will Midge Have the Same Powers as Amber?

Amber can alter people’s realities and brainwash them. She can make them see things that aren’t there. In addition, she can track her charges, and she has an intense hatred for Mia. Will Midge be the same? It could be that she has the same powers or others that are equally scary and dangerous. Now that Midge is unleashed, we are excited and worried to see what she does next.

We have a feeling that Season 2 won’t be a kumbaya over the campfire with the teens catching up with Midge. There will be no smores or tales of ghost stories. Season 2 promises to be even darker and more foreboding than Season 1. Either way, we are eager to see what happens next.