Netflix’s The Stranger is an incredibly thrilling television show that has proven to be popular with viewers. The show is action-packed and full of twists and turns that take audiences on a wild journey.

With several storylines being explored simultaneously, the characters within the show do some incredibly dark things. There are secrets, blood, and a lot of lies, bringing out the worst in many of the characters.

While everyone involved is just an ordinary person, many of them make catastrophic decisions that cost lives and destroy others. Within this list, we will take a look at the 10 worst things each main character does during the show.

Johanna Griffin: Covering Up For Adam

Throughout The Stranger, DS Johanna Griffin is one of the true ‘good guys’ who doesn’t seem to put a foot wrong. She is a true professional in her job and works tirelessly to get to the bottom of several cases, all while dealing with the fact her best friend has recently been murdered.

However, at the end of the show, Griffin proves she can be a dirty cop when necessary. While she does it out of the kindness of her heart, seeing that Adam Price and his family have been through enough, there’s no denying that framing someone else for two murders is the worst thing she does.

Leila Katz: Poisons Her Daughter

At first, it seems like Leila Katz is just a mother who is simply trying to do her best for her sick daughter. She seems protective, although with good reason as Olivia does appear to be of very poor health; however, her dark secret ends up getting unveiled.

It turns out that Leila is the person responsible for making Olivia ill, poisoning her own daughter with rat poison. It’s a sickening situation as Leila is happily creating cocktails that seriously damage Olivia, proving how horrible the former really is.

Corrine Price: Pretends To Be Pregnant

While Corrine Price is built up as a caring mother, an amazing teacher, and an excellent wife who everyone is desperately searching for, it cannot be denied that she does some despicable things as well. Even though Corrine isn’t in the show much, she is still one of the show’s main characters and does one particularly terrible thing.

The issues between Corrine and Adam Price can be traced back to the latter learning about the former’s big secret. Corrine pretended to be pregnant, strung Adam along, and even faked a miscarriage, an ordeal that put him through emotional hell just to get some more attention from people.

Ed Price: Adultery

While Ed Price has certainly enjoyed a successful career, the same cannot be said for his family situation. He has a strained relationship with his son, Adam, and a large part of that is due to the fact Ed often thinks with a different part of his body than his brain.

As the show develops, it becomes clear that Ed is an adulterer and cheated multiple times throughout his life, to the point where he has a child that he is not even familiar with. While it’s not as bad as some of the other things that go down on The Stranger, it’s certainly the worst thing he does.

The Stranger: Blackmail

It’s hard to choose just one thing that The Stranger, also known as Chris does, as she causes nearly all of the bedlem that happens throughout the show. Her work in the shadows creates chaos for other people with her decision to blackmail different strangers who she doesn’t know, as well as people who are revealed to be her own family.

Chris learns information about various different people and then blackmails them, often for $10,000, in order to not reveal whatever the secret is to the world. Her decision to do this causes issues for everyone, and even though Chris means well when it comes to the Price family, it still isn’t helpful.

Martin Killane: Murdering His Wife

Speaking of The Stranger’s family, Martin Killane is revealed to be Chris’ father. In the first few episodes of the show, he seems like a fairly innocent man who is set to lose his house. However, when the builders begin knocking down his property, Martin’s dark secret is revealed.

Not only did Martin Killane murder his wife because she was thinking about running away with her lover (Ed Price), but he then hid her body for years within the walls of their home. Not only did she rot inside his house, but her corpse was there throughout Chris’s young life, making this a particularly sickening moment.

Adam Price: Killing Doug

When it comes to Adam Price, it is pretty easy to pick out his worst action, as nothing comes close to him murdering Doug Tripp. While he does get away with the aid of Griffin, who helps shift the blame onto Patrick Katz, that doesn’t make what he does any better.

Obviously, it’s an emotional situation for Adam, as Doug takes him to his wife’s body, buried under the dirt. It leaves Adam furious and he takes it out on the man responsible, shooting him several times to get immediate revenge on him.

Doug Tripp: Murdering Corrine

As previously mentioned, Doug Tripp is the person who ends up being revealed as the key to the show’s main plot. He knew exactly where Corrine Price was right from the start, as he was the one who killed her and then buried the evidence in the forest.

To make matters worse, Doug spends all of his time post-murder actually helping Adam attempt to ‘find’ Corrine, even though he knows it isn’t possible. He pretends to be a good friend, despite the fact he murdered Adam’s wife, which makes the situation horrendous.

Mike Tripp: Murdering An Alpaca

Mike Tripp follows the path of his own father in the murdering business during The Stranger, only he doesn’t actually kill a human. However, that doesn’t make what Mike does any better, as he ends up kidnapping an alpaca from a local farm after a party where he takes some drugs.

While he looks after the alpaca at first, when the drugs begin to influence his brain, Mike ends up making a big mistake as he beheads the animal, leaving the body in the town center.

Patrick Katz: Killing Heidi

As is clearly evident, there is a lot of killing in The Stranger, and one of the worst is Patrick Katz’s murder of Heidi. While his intentions when he meets Heidi aren’t murderous, the situation escalates to the point where he deems it necessary.

Patrick gets wrapped up in some bad business in the hope of securing enough money to find a cure for his daughter’s illness, without knowing that Olivia was being poisoned by her own mother. Patrick ends up on the wrong side of the law, despite being a policeman, with his murder of Heidi being the worst of his many horrible actions.