Yennefer may be one of the most iconic characters from The Witcher franchise, but some of her actions aren’t as honorable as others. From raging orgies to doing drugs with Aretuza students, Yennefer’s journey has been a rocky road since day one. Though justified because of her deformities, she becomes power-hungry with a growing ego that delivers severe consequences.
She finally became the mage she always wanted to be by the end of Season 1 with her heroic actions at the Battle of Sodden Hill. However, there was no rainbow without the rain. With that, here are the 10 Most Shameless Things Yennefer Did in Netflix’s The Witcher.
Had a Sexual Relationship with Istredd
When she arrived at Aretuza, Yennefer was frankly naive with no one to guide her. Once she met Istredd, she couldn’t help but give in to her lustful desires as the two engaged in a secret relationship. Though it was a step in the right direction for her character, she didn’t hesitate to lose to her virginity.
Shameless, but dangerous as well as Yennefer went into this head-on without questioning anything. It wasn’t until her operation she’d gain a sense of self-esteem and confidence in herself to think and act for herself.
Had an Orgy
With her operation complete, Yennefer felt invincible as both a powerful mage and a seductive woman. So what does she do next? Have an orgy of course. This was shameless and kind of awkward, as Geralt ended up crashing in order to save Jaskier.
Even worse, Yennefer isn’t doing anything but watching as the citizens go on under the influence of some lustful drug. Sex is common in The Witcher series, but not to this degree.
Had Sex with Geralt while Jaskier Watched
Continuing on with the orgy, after Yennefer almost died as a result of an attempt to become pregnant, she decides to have sex with Geralt. Though fans were waiting for the two to finally get together, their time wasn’t all that passionate and intimate as Jaskier watched.
Hilarious as Jaskier thought Geralt was dead, but kind of weird as Yennefer went from being on the verge of death to having sex. In a broken-down castle or underneath her school, she doesn’t have preferences when it comes to this.
Brought a Knight to His Death
With Geralt and Yennefer splitting up, it was only a matter of time before the two ran into each other again. In the episode “Rare Species”, fans are introduced to Eyck of Denesle, whose knighthood is nothing short of laughable. In pursuit of honor and a wife, Eyck meets his end relatively early in the episode, all thanks to Yennefer bringing him along with no intentions of marriage or any sort of romantic relationship.
If anything, poor Eyck is a boy toy whose presence is meant to make Geralt jealous. Yennefer isn’t loyal, Eyck, you could have done so much better.
Did Drugs with Aretuza Students
Upon her return to Aretuza, Yennefer thought it best to do some drugs with students. Yes, you read that correctly, instead of offering some wisdom (although she does advocate for independence) she desensitizes them with hallucinogens, getting them in serious trouble with their headmaster.
Once again, her ego gets the better of her as she’s still on her high horse since the operation. Keep in mind just before this she failed to protect a mother and her baby, let that sink in.
Failed As An Escort
As a mage escort, Yennefer was tasked with protecting a member of the court and her baby but fails to do so. It’s not the fact that she failed but felt no remorse once her mistakes settled in.
In fact, she left the two of them to die and then buried her baby in the sand on a beach. Geralt has his fair share of mistakes from his past but at least he doesn’t condone his actions. Yennefer feels nothing and continues on as if nothing happened, it’s hard to root for someone like her at times.
Underwent an Operation
Though her reasoning was justified the operation itself could have been avoided. Yennefer felt her confidence could only be found in her appearance, and therefore underwent the operation that made her into the bombshell fans are familiar with from the books and video games.
Though the result was everything she wanted, it marked the beginning of her selfish needs becoming a priority, becoming worse as time goes on.
Eavesdropped on Her Classmates
Curious but misinformed, Yennefer felt she was inferior to her classmates because of her deformities. When a handful of students were selected for a special meeting, she felt the need to eavesdrop, only to find out they’d be turned into slugs.
What’s wrong is the fact that Yennefer wasn’t meant to see this as she was not selected despite Tissaia’s ability to see the underlying power within her.
Attempts to Get Back with Istredd
With her operation complete, Yennefer looked to reunite with Istredd in hopes of continuing their romantic relationship and use him for his knowledge. However, IStredd doesn’t fall for her and settles for continuing on with his work.
What’s sad and rather funny is how naive Yennefer is walking into this. The two left on bad terms and with her operation and what she deems “true beauty” she thinks she can seduce anyone. However, she quickly learns it’s not all about what’s on the surface.
Attempted to Use a Djinn to Become Pregnant
One of the admirable qualities of Yennnefer is her wish to become a mother, something she’s dreamt of being for years. Though with her operation came a catch, her fertility. Robbed of her choice, she did anything to get it back. This included meddling with a djinn on the brink of death to ensure she could have a child, and enhance her powers as a mage.
Not only was this selfish, but it forced Geralt to use his last wish on her to save her life. Poor Geralt just wanted a good night’s sleep, and she took that away from him too.