On Netflix’s You, fans are introduced to an array of rich personalities that have them dying to see more from them. Whether it’s the mysterious boss-like persona of Peach Salinger or the fascinating thought process presented by Joe Goldberg, they can’t get enough of these characters and their secretive schemes. There are a ton of captivating personalities in this series from start to finish, and they are incredibly layered as well (despite Joe always assuming he’s surrounded by superficial, one-dimensional robots).
With that said, what is the MBTI for each character on the Netflix series? Keep reading to find out!
Beck - ISFP
Guinevere Beck seems to embody the ISFP personality type quite well. Like most people with this type, they tend to drown themselves in the world of the arts and they like to express themselves through their artistic talent. Beck is often caught writing poetry or digging deep into novels, which is not uncommon for ISFP personality types.
Often times she prefers to be alone so she can write, but like the average person with this MBTI, she is incredibly loyal to her friends so she is willing to drop everything in order to make them happy. Her low-key go-with-the-flow vibe and her obsession with art remind us a lot of an ISFP.
Peach Salinger - ESTJ
Peach Salinger is a fascinating character throughout the series, and it’s not just due to the fact that she’s related to JD Salinger. She is extremely confident as well as poised, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure her friends are okay. Often with ESTJ personality types, they can come across as a bit controlling and rigid with the people around them, but ultimately this is due to the fact that they have their best interest at heart.
This is clear within the relationship between Peach and Beck. Although Peach may seem a bit overprotective when it comes to Beck and her new stalker beau, it’s obvious she is only this way because she cares deeply about Beck. Ultimately, she was right the whole time about Joe while all of Beck’s other friends thought he was just dandy.
8. Love Quinn - ENFJ
Love Quinn is the woman Joe lusts after once Beck is… no longer an option. We immediately see from the very beginning of season 2 that she is nothing like Beck who is mysterious and reserved.
Love is assertive, warm, and she goes out of her way to help total strangers. She wants to get to know everyone around her it seems, which is very common for the ENFJ. As we know from the end of the season (SPOILER) she is a master manipulator, something unhealthy versions of this personality type can be very skilled at doing.
Ellie - ENTP
Ellie is a daring young lady on You who is not interested in sugar-coating her thoughts, and will gladly strike up a debate just for the fun of it. These traits totally embody the ENTP personality type to a tee.
Although she is young, she is clearly a brilliant thinker who values independence as well as intelligence. She consumes herself with her deepest passion, which in her case is film. Ellie will stop at nothing to make sure her voice is heard and although at the end of the season she had a tough break, to say the least, we know her character has enough strength and resilience to overcome it.
Forty - ESFP
No matter what room Forty enters, he will always be the life of the party. He even refers to people as “old sport”, something Jay Gatsby (the ultimate fictional party thrower) would famously say in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel.
Forty is never afraid to take risks and live life on the wild side, like when he shows up in a kimono to work or when he solves his problems by taking multiple doses of LSD. Some might find his erratic behavior to be childish, but because of this personality type, he is able to get more zest out of life on a Tuesday morning than most people will ever get in their whole lives.
Delilah - ISTJ
It is no wonder Hendy refers to Delilah as someone who is “always the smartest person in the room.” ISTJs are known for being incredibly hard-working, intelligent individuals who will stop at nothing until they finish the tasks that they believe need to be completed.
They are very structured people who don’t have time for any funny business, which is a good way to describe Delilah who is constantly on her guard. Her serious personality is what ultimately leads her to try and complete nearly impossible tasks for the sake of justice.
Ethan - ENFP
In season 2 when Joe briefly mentioned Ethan, our hearts warmed up a little and we realized how much we missed that lovable guy. Although working at Moony’s bookshop could get potentially dull at times considering it was barely busy with customers, it seemed as though Joe could never get truly bored because of his co-worker, Ethan.
Ethan always managed to keep things fun and entertaining at the shop, even on the dullest days. His warm and quirky persona reminds us of the ENFP personality type.
Paco - ISFJ
Paco is the ultimate sweetheart on You and whenever we start to give up hope in humanity when it comes to the awful things that the main characters do to one another, we think of Paco and his gentle innocence. Paco just wants the best for everyone around him, but this is no easy task when his mother is dating an abusive jerk.
Luckily, Joe keeps Paco company and helps him by getting him lost in the world of books so he can escape his awful reality. Paco is one of the only people on the show who is able to bring out Joe’s humanity.
Candace - ESTP
Candace is a tough cookie who is clearly untouchable. This is made apparent when Joe tries to attack her and he nearly takes her own life while in a fit of uncontrollable rage.
Like most ESTPs, this type is so resilient that they can rise up from the worst possible situations and come back a hundred times stronger. This is exactly what happens to Candace who is completely unafraid to seek justice for herself and all the other women Joe has hurt in the past.
It’s funny because an “INFP serial killer” should be the ultimate oxymoron. INFPs are known for desiring harmony and they are constantly looking to seek the greater good, so it seems crazy to think that this personality type would be willing to shed blood of the innocent. Yet the reason Joe seems to be the exception is because when he kills, he truly believes in his mind that he is doing it for the greater good.
INFPs are extremely romantic, and they love to drown themselves in fictional worlds. Sound like anyone? Joe is the ultimate unhealthy INFP.