Netflix original series YOU has total Dexter vibes. It’s about a serial killer named Joe Goldberg who tends to fall easily for women to the point of becoming obsessed and totally fixated on them. Through each episode, we hear Joe’s twisted inner monologue as he goes about his seemingly normal life while, behind the scenes, he’s trying to rationalize his stalker-like behavior.
Joe gets so obsessed with these women that he is even willing to kill for them…or kill them because, well, it’s all for love in his eyes.
Throughout the two seasons that have been released thus far, Joe has killed over and over again, oftentimes “accidentally,” in his eyes, at least. And while we weren’t sad to see some characters go, some of the deaths were really sad. And some weren’t even at Joe’s hands.
Here are the 10 saddest deaths from the series thus far, ranked. Note: spoilers for season 2.
Sure, Henderson was a despicable human who preyed on underage girls, drugged them, took lude photos, and potentially did even before. But his death at the hands of Joe, who fashioned himself some sort of vigilante in this instance, was sad because it came prematurely before he could actually be punished for his crimes.
After being confronted by Joe, who wanted to get him on camera admitting to his wrongdoings, Henderson managed to escape from being tied up. He and Joe fought and Joe pushed him down the stairs, after which he banged his head and died.
Joe’s Father (or Stepfather)
Joe’s abusive father (or stepfather – it isn’t really confirmed) is only seen in flashbacks, but it’s clear he was a bad guy. He was abusive to both Joe and his mother, he yelled and screamed and they seemed genuinely afraid of him. While we still don’t know the whole story of Joe’s mom as well as when and how Joe began to show signs of sociopathy, his father’s death was likely a big turning point in his life.
While hiding in a closet where his mother had shown him she hid a gun, Joe peeked at his father abusing his mother again. He emerged from the closet with the gun and shot his father right in the chest, killing him instantly.
Benji Ashby
Benji (Lou Taylor Pucci) had an on-again, off-again relationship with Beck that was based purely on sex. But Joe saw Benji as an obstacle in his way so he hit him over the head with a mallet then kept him prisoner in his basement.
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After mulling over what to do with Benji, Joe did what he felt was necessary and killed him. But the way he did it was really sad, giving Benji food that had peanuts in it when he knew Benji had a severe peanut allergy. After suffering from anaphylaxis with no Epipen in sight, Benji suffocated to death and his body was taken to the woods and burned.
Jasper Krenn
While Jasper (Steven W. Bailey) wasn’t really a good guy – he did cut off Joe’s finger, after all, to keep until he got money that was owed to him – the manner in which he was killed was sad for a number of reasons. First, it was the first death in season two to suggest that Joe wasn’t as reformed as he thought he could make himself.
And then there was the manner in which he was killed in front of the real Will, who, while suffering from mental illness without his meds, wasn’t sure if what he was seeing was real. And then the sight of Joe sawing Jasper’s body up, piece by piece, then shoving his limbs through the meat grinder at Anavrin was just disgusting.
Peach Salinger
As Beck’s best friend, Peach has suspicions about Joe from the beginning. And while Joe is equally suspicious of her as well, when he realizes Peach is also obsessed about Beck, he thinks this is justification to get rid of her.
He first follows her while she’s jogging and hits her with a rock at the back of her head. But miraculously, she survives. But then he follows her to her family estate, they have a stand-off, and he shoots her, framing the death as a suicide.
Guinevere Beck
A sad end to the story in season one, “Beck,” as she was lovingly called by her close friends and family, fell hard for Joe. But she had no idea that all the while, he was manipulating everything in order to become the “perfect” man for her. And there was, of course, that small detail about him being a sociopath.
When she discovered who he really was, it was too late. He kidnapped her and kept him in her cage, trying to decide what to do. In the end, he killed her when he realized she would never love him.
Forty Quinn
From season two, Forty was a troubled rich boy who was struggling to make a movie and become a bona fide Hollywood talent while also battling his drug addiction. It was tough not to feel sorry for him, even if he was super clingy with his sister (and Joe) and didn’t quite understand boundaries.
One of few people from the series who didn’t die at Joe’s hands, after he realized who Joe was and what he had done, Forty confronted him. With a gun to his head and his sister Love looking on, horrified, Officer Fincher approaches from behind and shoots Forty dead, saving Joe’s life. The anguish on Love’s face was enough to have viewers balling, too.
Candace Stone
Candace was season two’s hero, hellbent on taking Joe down after having survived being buried alive by him (after he thought she was dead) and no one believing her story. Fierce, confident, and full of a desire for vengeance, she took every step to locate him then try to catch him in the act.
She did just that, discovering Joe’s secret storage unit with him and a dead Delilah inside. She trapped him then called Love to come see for herself. Sadly, however, Love was revealed to be a sociopath herself and she murdered Candace in the hallway of the storage facility while the poor girl was trying to console her.
Delilah Alves
The saddest death of all was Delilah’s, who Joe truly didn’t want to kill. He had arranged to let her escape once he managed to escape from L.A., not only because he liked her but because he had a soft spot for her sister Ellie. But Love sadly discovered the storage unit and killed Delilah for him.
After seeing Will (Robin Lord Taylor) released and trusted by Will, we really thought Delilah was going to make it. So seeing her death was heartbreaking, especially knowing that she had just revealed her big story about being abused by Henderson and that Ellie would be left on her own without her big sister.
Honorable Mention: Dr. Nicky’s Soul
Dr. Nicky wasn’t technically killed in the series. But his soul was totally crushed when he was wrongfully convicted for the murder of Beck. While he was indeed sleeping with Beck, as Joe had suspected, and admitted to having slept with other patients, too, he didn’t kill her. Joe, of course, did.
In season two, when Forty goes to see the former therapist in prison to explain that he believes his innocence and suspects Joe, Dr. Nicky is clearly not the same person. He has accepted his fate and even believes he deserves it because of the pain he caused his wife and children. And while he certainly deserved to repent for those sins, he should not be in prison for murder.