Following the release of Apple TV update version 6.1 alongside the release of iOS 7.1 in early March, we’ve received several reports of an issue with Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound in the Apple TV’s Netflix app. Following the update, users with 5.1 systems are only able to get stereo output from Netflix on the Apple TV. There have been an increasing number of complaints online in several Apple support forums as recent as this morning, but up until now Netflix and Apple have been quiet on the issue.

We’ve reached out to Netflix several times since the release of the Apple TV update and this morning the company acknowledged it’s aware of the problem and working to roll out a fix: “We are aware of the issue and are working to deploy a fix.”

It’s not providing any additional info or an ETA on when you can expect the fix, but at least you now have confirmation a fix is finally on the way three months after initial reports.

We hope to have the fix out soon, but I can’t commit to a date. We have put a workaround in place that will playback titles in stereo instead of Dolby Digital 5.1.