Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams’ The Notebook gets an alternate ending in Netflix UK & Ireland. Almost everyone knows how Nicholas Spark-written novel-turned film ended, but fans from the other side of the pond got a slightly different version of the classic romantic movie which most of them weren’t happy about.

Catapulting Gosling and McAdams to mainstream popularity, the 2004 movie directed by Nick Cassavetes featured the two playing star-crossed lovers Noah Calhoun and Allie Hamilton who met in 1940s South Carolina. Hindered by their different socio-economic status, they eventually split up after a whirlwind romance. Years after they separated, they’re reunited but with Allie already betrothed to another man. Despite this, it was obvious that Noah and Allie were still hung-up on each other. They decided to be together with the reveal that the elder couple at the start of the film was actually them.

While the overall story of The Notebook has resonated with fans, arguably its most memorable moment was the ending which was equal parts romantic and sad. After an Alzheimer-suffering Allie finally recognized her husband, they peacefully passed away laying side-by-side and holding each other’s hands. This monumental part was unfortunately cut from the version that Netflix UK & Ireland streamed causing backlash from die-hard fans of the movie. Instead, the movie went straight to the shot of birds flying over the lake. Since this came to light, the streaming giant has already acknowledged the mishap via their Twitter account. It turns out, they were supplied with the footage and that the alternate ending exists.

Having written the novel that the film was based on, Sparks was asked in to weigh in on this issue when he appeared on the Today Show Wednesday. During the interview, the best-selling author looked as clueless as everyone was regarding the Netflix UK & Ireland mishap. But while he prefers the original ending, he explains that it’s a matter of how people interprets this supposed alternate ending. “For me, it’s an opinion thing. It’s a different ending. You’re definitely going to have an opinion on it one way or the other,” he said.

Netflix UK and Ireland’s The Notebook ending wasn’t so much as an alternate version. It didn’t necessarily change how the ending panned out, it just skipped its most important part. And since this can be done by simply editing the part that showed Noah and Allie’s death, people assumed that it was the streaming giant that intentionally left the scene out. Now that Netflix has already come out and explained their side of the story, it would be interesting to know who supplied them the iteration of the film, and if after this whole thing blew up, whether or not they’ll keep it available on their platform. Further, since they also stated that they’re investigating how this came to be, fans will be on the lookout with regard to their eventual findings.

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Source: Netflix UK & Ireland, Today Show