Both new tools fit into NetSuite’s “360 framework,” Paul Farrell, NetSuite’s VP of Product Management, told ZDNet.  The framework “brings together new analytics, actions and transactions from across the suite,” he explained – helping users in particular roles best leverage NetSuite’s tools. The Oracle-owned business plans to roll out more 360 dashboards in the future.  The new Cash 360 tool also fits in with NetSuite’s SuiteBanking initiative, which gives customers more digitized and automated banking tools. Cash 360 gives customers a dashboard with a real-time view of their cash position. It can include variables like current cash balance, accounts payable, accounts receivable balances, or cashflow trends.  The tool also offers the ability to generate a rolling six-month cash flow forecast. The forecast incorporates data points like funding sources, planned expenditures, sales forecasts and billing schedules. It applies historical averages to current transaction data to estimate collections and disbursements. It can also include one-time cash inflows and outflows, like financing or capital investments. “We’re seeing customers having to do real reactive and tactical adjustments” to respond to supply chain fluctuations, more complicated global markets and other factors, Farrell said. Meanwhile, the new Project 360 is a new dashboard within SuiteProjects designed for project managers. SuiteProjects combines customer relationship management (CRM), HR and enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools for service-based businesses. The new dashboard provides a centralized view of key metrics, reports, statuses and resources from across SuiteProjects. With that information consolidated, the dashboard should help with tasks budget analysis, project billing, resourcing and more.