Love triangles are all the rage in teen TV shows which is why it’s no surprise Netflix’s Never Have I Ever created their own love triangle between Devi, Paxton, and Ben in season one of the show. While each season seems to end with Devi making some sort of decision regarding the love triangle, it has proved never to be her final choice since the love triangle is resurrected season after season.

Just like Devi, many fans can’t seem to decide whether they’re on Team Paxton or Team Ben. While each new season brings about pros and cons for each pairing. However, devoted fans of Team Paxton are determined to prove that Paxton and Devi are the OTP of the show for some very valid reasons.

They Call Each Other Out When They’re Being Problematic

Season 3 of Never Have I Ever brought a new dynamic to Devi and Paxton’s relationship. Their newfound relationship allowed them a semblance of security so that they could call each other out when they were acting immature.

Devi calls out Paxton for the way he’s treated his past girlfriends, encouraging him to apologize and do better in the future, and Paxton returns the favor in a way. Later on in season 3, when he tells Devi that she is being insecure in their relationship and that she needs to work on that before they can pursue their relationship further. This tough love makes them one of the healthiest teen couples on TV.

They Get People Talking

The entire reason Devi went after Paxton at the start of the show was that she knew he would bolster her popularity status, and she was right. Every time the two are together, people around them can’t help but gossip and wonder what is going on. This becomes eminently clear in season 3 when the school’s gossip account gives them a ship name and starts live blogging about what they’re doing.

While being talked about comes with its own set of cons, like Devi’s troll, both Devi and Paxton like being the center of attention so their high-profile relationship works for both of them.

Paxton Understands Devi’s Boundaries

There’s no denying that Paxton is more experienced than Devi when it comes to relationships. This becomes a source of anxiety for Devi in season 3 when the popular girls mention that Paxton isn’t going to stay with Devi if she doesn’t start sleeping with him.

However, when Paxton learns what the other girls are saying, he reassures Devi that he doesn’t need to sleep with her to stay in a relationship with her. In a tenderhearted moment, Paxton tells Devi he’s perfectly okay going with whatever pace she sets.

They’ve Learned How To Communicate With Each Other

When Devi and Paxton first started fooling around with each other they were immature and childish. They were rarely honest with each other which created unnecessary drama. However, as they’ve grown up, they’ve realized how important honest and open communication is.

Devi isn’t afraid to be vulnerable and insecure with Paxton because she knows he will listen and try to help her through her issues. On the flip side, Paxton doesn’t have to pretend to be the version of himself everyone thinks he is at school and can voice his own insecurity to Devi whenever he wants. They can talk about the good and the bad together now, which makes them one step closer to being endgame, according to Team Paxton fans.

Opposites Attract

Devi and Ben might have the enemies to lovers trope down, but Devi and Paxton excel at their own trope: opposites attract. Paxton is still the same athletic, popular boy he was at the start of season one. And Devi is still the academic nerd who sometimes makes rash decisions because of her past traumas.

On paper, the two shouldn’t work, and yet they seem to be the perfect match when the stars align for them. Paxton brings out Devi’s outgoing side, encouraging her to chase her dreams while Devi helps Paxton stay grounded and committed to his academics. They balance each other in the best ways.

Devi Pushes Paxton To Be Better

Paxton was never portrayed as an intelligent character or someone who cares enough about school to better his education. After he broke his arm and his swimming scholarship was up in the air, improving his grades became a necessity. The problem with Paxton is that while he does end up putting in the effort, he doesn’t go above and beyond.

A large part of this is due to his home life, which viewers finally got a glimpse of, but it’s not an excuse not to try. Devi was the only one who cared enough to call Paxton out and make him realize he wasn’t reaching his full potential. With Devi’s support, Paxton gave his all and became someone both he and the audience was proud of.

Devi’s Well-Being Is Always Paxton’s First Concern

Whenever Devi’s in trouble, Paxton’s first concern is making sure she’s okay. Both times she was injured at a party, Paxton pushed past the crowd of people, which included Ben, who stood there and watched her struggle. While it’s questionable who’s at fault when Paxton hit a jaywalking Devi with his car, he was more concerned about her well-being than she was.

Paxton inspecting her head for injuries and holding up fingers for her to count displayed a softer side of him. It was made even cuter by the fact that Devi was so happy to see Paxton; she didn’t care she almost got run over.

Their Relationship Sparks Individual Growth

It’s not too difficult to rank the Never Have I Ever characters by likability. Paxton and Devi were both extremely selfish when the series began and definitely wouldn’t make the number one spot. Paxton didn’t let popularity affect him as much as one would assume, but he still didn’t treat people the way he should. It’s unclear whether Devi was always so rebellious or if it was a way for her to cope with her father’s death, but either way, she also struggled to do right by others.

Somehow, these two people with similar faults encouraged each other to grow. After what Devi did to Paxton, she realized that she had been self-centered and uncaring about how her actions affected the people in her life. In turn, Paxton learned that being the best person he could be, meant not conforming to other people’s perceptions of him.

Paxton Is The Reason Devi Can Walk

To be fair, Paxton didn’t purposely do anything to cure Devi. She was so eager to see her crush, that Devi stood up out of her wheelchair to get a better look at him. To say that Devi never would have been able to walk again on her own doesn’t give her enough credit, but it also doesn’t lessen the significance of Paxton being the reason.

Devi standing up for the first time since her father’s death was quite literally, the first step in her road to recovery. Grieving is a process that Devi is continuing to work through, but Paxton’s very existence pushed her in the right direction.

Paxton Is Always There For Devi

Not that anyone’s keeping score, but when it comes to who hurt who worse, Paxton has definitely suffered more at the hands of Devi. Cheating on him was bad enough, but Devi is partly responsible for Paxton getting hit by a car and throwing his swimming scholarship into jeopardy.

There’s no doubt that Paxton has hurt Devi in return, but not everyone would find Devi’s actions worthy of forgiveness. No matter how she’s treated him, Paxton can’t help but be there for Devi when she needs him. The moment he saw her walking home and crying he offered her a ride and an ear to listen.

Their Romance Is Rooted In Their Newfound Friendship

Devi and Paxton’s relationship could be considered superficial in Never Have I Ever Season 1. Devi was so desperate to get Paxton to like her that she hid her true self. After Devi cheats on him, there’s not much Devi bothers hiding about herself.

The two form a friendship through tutoring, and Paxton gets to know the real Devi. In turn, Devi gets to know the real Paxton. They’re no longer a surface-level romance and are instead genuine friends who like each other for who they are.

Devi Has Been In Love With Paxton Since The 3rd Grade

No matter how stereotypical it may sound, the childhood crush trope will always be alluring. However, it has to be written well in order for it to work. Devi may have liked Paxton for years, but she didn’t truly know anything about him.

To an extent, Devi still has Paxton on a pedestal, but she’s begun to learn that he’s more than who she built him up to be in her head. When she got to know Paxton for real, it was possible that she wouldn’t like who he was. But Devi ended up falling for the person beneath the abs she continues to rave about, and she likes him for reasons that go beyond pure physicality.

Paxton Cares About Devi More Than His Image

Everyone who’s been to high school knows that teenagers have their own class system. No matter how hard a person tries, disregarding the notion is easier said than done. It’s human to want to be liked, and people put all sorts of pressure on each other to conform to certain roles. It’s important to note that Paxton wasn’t embarrassed of being with Devi like she initially believed. He never cared that others might wrongfully think she’s out of his league and he shouldn’t.

Devi had publicly wronged Paxton, and a lot of people would lose respect for him if he went back to someone who treated him as badly as she did. But at the end of the day, it’s up to Paxton if he believes Devi deserves his forgiveness. By publicly declaring her his girlfriend, Paxton proved that Devi’s opinion of him is the one that matters most.

Devi Went After Paxton Instead Of Ben

Both ships in the love triangle are among the best couples in Never Have I Ever. However, the reasons Devi gives for wanting to be with Ben feel more like a matter of security. That’s not to say Devi doesn’t have feelings for Ben, but given Paxton’s outlook on dating, Ben is the safer option.

She wanted to choose Ben because “he was all in,” and he didn’t have Paxton’s same hangups about relationships. But when there wasn’t time for overthinking and Devi had to make a split-second decision, she ran after Paxton. The icing on the cake is that Paxton is all in when the second season comes to a close.

They Always Have Fun Together

When Devi stopped trying to maintain a certain image around Paxton, she was able to let loose and enjoy his company. Since a relationship between them appeared to be off the table after Devi cheated, she felt less pressured and more comfortable embracing her goofy side.

As it turns out, Paxton likes Devi’s goofy side, and they manage to have fun in situations that should be boring. Their study session became a boom boxing session, and it was the perfect way to help Paxton retain the information.