A new Batman game from Warner Brothers Montreal is rumored to be announced during 2019’s upcoming industry celebration event The Game Awards in December. Fans of Rocksteady’s Batman Arkham series have been eagerly anticipating news of a new title featuring The Dark Knight ever since Arkham Origins developer WB Montreal began posting cryptic images on their social media sites, many of which led people to assume the new game would be focused on The Court of Owls arc from the Batman comics.
During September’s worldwide celebration of Batman’s 80th anniversary, new Batman game rumors were running rampant, thanks in part to Epic and WB making all of the Batman games free for a limited time in the Epic Games Store. Although players haven’t gotten a chance to return to the Arkham universe since 2015’s Arkham Knight, which focused heavily on the Batmobile, various indicators from all corners of the internet suggest a new entry is indeed in the works, and new rumors state it may be announced soon.
According to a YouTube post by Slcmof, the same leaker who first announced the existence of the cancelled Damian Wayne Batman title, a new game set in the Batman Arkham universe titled Arkham Legacy will be unveiled during the 2019 Game Awards on Thursday, December 12th. Since it’s inception, The Game Awards has always been a place for developers to announce upcoming titles and expansions to current games, and this year looks to be no exception.
Last year’s 2018 Game Awards saw reveal trailers for AAA titles like Mortal Kombat 11 and Rage 2, as well as the announcement of a new Dragon Age game. Given the months of rumors and hints from WB Montreal, fans have been expecting some sort of Arkham game confirmation for a while now, and it doesn’t take an industry insider to know The Game Awards would be a perfect time to make all those expectations come true.
If a new Batman game is indeed unveiled at 2019’s Game Awards, fans will surely be hoping for a return to the classic zipline/gliding gameplay which made the Batman of Arkham City and Arkham Origins so fun to control, especially when compared to the cramped corridors of Arkham Asylum or the racetracks of Arkham Knight. With a title like Arkham Legacy and rumors of a playable entire Wayne family, hopefully whatever Warner Brothers Montreal has in mind will please those players who have been anxiously anticipating a new Batman video game ever since the company started projecting Court Of Owls and League of Assassins logos on the side of their office building.
Next: Batman: Court Of Owls Game Teased By Warner Brothers Developers
Source: YouTube