A new Dishonored adventure has been announced, only this time it’s a tabletop RPG from Modiphius Entertainment. The series has been on a franchise break for a couple of years.

Modiphius Entertainment has a lot of properties in its catalog of roleplaying games. The company creates adventures for everything from Fallout to Elder Scrolls, Dune, Conan and loads more. They have a long history in the genre, and fans of their work likely know to be excited about the news that they’re taking on the world of Dishonored. Of course, given that they take on so many of Bethesda’s properties, it’s unlikely that a Dishonored game would have a home anywhere else.

Still, news of the Dishonored roleplaying effort is wonderful. While certainly, fans would rather dive into a fully realized, virtual take on Dunwall, the major city in Dishonored, tabletop gamers who dig the franchise should be thrilled. In the announcement, Modiphius indicated that they worked closely with Arkane Studios Co-Creative Director Harvey Smith in order to make sure their take on Dishonored is grounded in what makes the world so engaging. This game will arrive this summer as a 300-page book that includes an intro to the Empire of Isles, a guide for playing the Protagonists, information about the powers contained in the Void, a mini-campaign called “The Oil Trail” that will span four acts to introduce Dunwall, and, finally, a streamlined edition of their 2d20 game system.

Fans of tabletop gaming know that dice play rules the world of mechanics. For those unfamiliar with Modiphius, know that they sometimes utilize the aforementioned 2d20 system. That system will be used in the Dishonored tabletop game, too. What’s the deal? Players roll two 20-sided dice and hope for the lowest score to take action. The system lets you add dice to the total, but it depletes character resources in order to happen. The 2d20 system is action-oriented, according to Modiphius, so get ready to experience something different if Modiphius’ system is virgin territory.

There are plenty of popular video games that are also tabletop adventures. Sometimes, those tabletop experiences even turn non-gamers into gamers. In fact, one of the most-anticipated games of 2020 is based on a tabletop RPG. That, of course, is Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately for fans, that CD Projekt RED title was just delayed, but there’s always the pen and paper experience and its potential to satiate fans as they wait for the full-on adventure.

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The Dishonored roleplaying game from Modiphius is set to release in the summer of 2020.

Source: Modiphius / PC Gamer