The new Final Fantasy 7 Remake trailer is everything fans have been waiting for. Square-Enix has released a new glimpse into what the game offers. Everything looks amazing – from character models to gameplay, this seems like the Final Fantasy game players have been waiting to play since the original Final Fantasy 7 released in 1997.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake will release in three parts, with the first taking place entirely in Midgar. Each installment will be the length of a full game according to statements Square-Enix has made in the past. The original game sold more than 11 million copies worldwide and this trailer showcases exactly why that is. Though other Final Fantasy games have released since Cloud Strife and his merry gang of ecoterrorists saved the world from Sephiroth the first time, not a single one has managed to win the hearts of fans – until, possibly, this one. Final Fantasy 7 Remake was delayed until April, but this trailer might be enough to cause fans to forgive Square-Enix for that affront.
The trailer shows off a lot more than many fans were expecting. While it doesn’t make it clear that the game will take place only in Midgar, the trailer shows off the team’s Midgarian adventures. Not only are players treated to a glimpse of the wonderfully-designed combat systems in the game, but they also get to see (and hear) many of their favorite characters, including Red XIII, Sephiroth, Cloud, Barrett, and, of course, Aerith/Aeris Gainsborough.
Players also receive an in-depth look at the newly-enhanced Cloud Strife Honey Bee Inn crossdressing scene, which seems to be greatly expanded to include a musical number and dancing. There are also pieces of expanded story that have been added to the new version of the game, including one involving a character named Roche who apparently isn’t very fond of Cloud.
Fans have been waiting a long time for this game, whether they realized it or not. Final Fantasy 7 has been released and re-released on numerous platforms, including the Sony PlayStation, PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PSP, Nintendo Switch and Android. Through the years since its birth, the game has maintained an almost mesmerizing popularity with fans. While many are understandably apprehensive about remakes and remasters - see Warcraft 3: Reforged for an example of why - this game seems like it will deliver everything Final Fantasy fanatics have hoped for and more. The only bad thing is that fans will have to join a whole new generation in experiencing and re-experiencing the crushing pain of losing a certain flower girl.
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Final Fantasy 7 remake will release on PlayStation 4 on April 10, 2020.