As reported by German Mac news website, Mac Essentials, m-Store is offering deals on iMacs, including 0% finance and a free HP printer. The German site is convinced these deals suggest new models are looming, saying (Google Translate): “At next week, stay tuned: On Monday, the quarterly results on Tuesday … an Apple Tuesday?” Supplies of iMacs have been dwindling in recent weeks. Speculation had existed claiming Apple intended some kind of announcement on October 13, but with the company’s results due on October 19 the company usually keeps quiet in the preceding week or two. A recent Wedge Partners report claimed a new iMac and redesigned MacBook coming in October. “Wedge sees a redesigned iMac witjh a “thinner, organic design, likely with smoothed or rounded edges. The MacBook redesign “is likely to be limited,” Wedge asserts. Meanwhile, the firm also expects “new, lower price points to drive demand and create a meaningful competitive threat” to coming PCs based on Windows 7 as well as to the booming netbook segment. “We believe these new designs and price points will help Apple achieve a 3 million unit quarter for Macs in [calendar] Q4,” the report said. French site MacForever says the new iMacs will have SD card slot(s) and Quad core processors. Other reports have speculated upon inclusion of Blu-ray drives in the latest models, only to repel such speculation later, saying Apple had changed its mind in an 11th hour shift. They are also saying that Tuesday is likely the day of release.  Translated: But according to various sources, Apple Store would indeed close its doors next Tuesday. On the menu: MacBook, IMac and Mac mini. It is not impossible that Apple took the opportunity to review other models. It could also be a big surprise on the side of the iMac. Stay tuned.