Belgian website (via MacRumors) claims that iMacs will begin going on sale tomorrow with 27-inchers to follow in December as originally scheduled by Apple at last month’s announcement. There were claims that Apple would delay both iMac models until 2013, but several sources of ours quickly informed us that the iMac launches were on target with Apple’s announced November and December timeframes.

We heard this morning from a source that Apple Store managers were briefed on iMacs coming in as soon as tomorrow, but after polling several sources from various Apple retail stores across the globe, it appears that, if the new iMacs launch tomorrow, they will not be found in all Apple Stores.

Additionally, many sources at stores say that Apple Store inventory systems do not point to the new iMacs arriving tomorrow, but it is very practical, as a new product, that Apple will ship the new iMacs to stores under the radar. MacRumors also provides the following:
