Apple’s campus stores were refreshed this week with a new lineup of exclusive T-shirt designs that are sure to delight visitors well-versed in Apple history. The seasonal collection is available now for a limited time, and shirts cost $40 each.

At Apple Infinite Loop, 12 new designs have debuted. The most iconic are two variations of the famous pirate flag that is said to have flown over Apple’s Bandley 3 office during development of the original Macintosh.

The flag, inspired by the Steve Jobs quote “It’s better to be a pirate than join the Navy,” was devised by members of the original Mac team as a way to capture the group’s disruptive spirit. Legendary Mac designer Susan Kare hand-painted the original skull and crossbones design in 1983, complete with a six-color Apple logo for an eyepatch.

Photos courtesy of Brian King.

The original pirate flag that flew over Bandley 3. 

Apple’s knowing nod to the past continues with six shirts set in italicized Apple Garamond, the company’s marketing typeface until the early 2000s. Two of the six designs feature a six-color Apple logo and the text “Infinite Loop,” calling to mind the classic welcome sign that once sat at the entrance to the campus. The remaining four typographic designs are creatively arranged to read “1 Infinite Loop Cupertino.”

Apple Infinite Loop’s original welcome sign.

Joining the fall collection at Infinite Loop are Apple Park Visitor Center’s two throwback “hello” shirts that reference original Macintosh ads, and two designs carried over from the previous shirt collection with Susan Kare classic Mac OS iconography. There’s also a fun new embroidered Zipper-Mouth Face Emoji design, and white and black variations of the text “Cupertino” set in a script font between the campus address.

At Apple Park Visitor Center, last year’s classic collection is joined by a few new styles. The “Cupertino” script design has been added with the matching campus address. There’s new Mind Blown Emoji options similar to the hats offered to WWDC attendees this past June. Text inside the shirt says “I visited Apple Park and it blew my mind.” And for infants, “A is for Apple” onesies are set in Apple Garamond.

This week’s updates join last month’s new one-of-a-kind Avenues at Apple Park Visitor Center, nearly completing a full refresh of displays at the campus store. Which shirt design is your favorite? I’m still hoping we’ll see The Company Store shopping bag shirt return someday. 

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