The review embargo just lifted and everyone has their third-generation iPad reviews up. Here is the breakdown:

The Washington Post/The Verge are the first out of the gate (a bit early). Joshua Topolsky calls the screen something “that looks like glowing paper.” Apple TV gets some love too.


Walt Mossberg:

[vodpod id=Video.16224564&w=650&h=420&]

Many more reviews are below.

USA Today’s Ed Baig:

The New York Times’ David Pogue:

TechCrunch: “Once you see and use the new iPad, there will be no going back…get the new iPad”

Pocket Lint: “This year, it’s all about the screen. Sure, the third-generation iPad has lots of other improvements but it’s the brilliance of the display which leaps out at you as soon as you wake the screen.”

Macworld’s Jason Snell on the iPad and Apple TV:


The Loop hit at 8:58 p.m. with its iPad review here and Apple TV “no-brainer” here.


John Gruber has a nice photo comparison:

The Telegraph and Bloomberg both loves the extra pixels

  • Reuters refutes Bloomberg/iSuppli’s claim, says LG is providing Retina displays for new iPad (
  • One Retina Display icon has many more pixels than a whole original Macintosh screen (
  • First unboxing of Retina iPad shows a whole lot of nothing [Video] (
  • First photos from the new iPad’s 5-megapixel iSight camera (
  • Oh the irony. Samsung is the sole initial supplier of the iPad Retina Display – Bloomberg/iSuppli (
  • Samsung official: Apple to use Samsung displays in smaller iPad (