Fox has dropped a lot of new Logan promotional material in preparation for the movie hitting theaters soon. This includes a video of adamantium claws being crushed by a hydraulic press that is surprisingly hilarious. With each piece of information that gets dropped, more details about the dramatically different world the movie takes place in are made clear to eagle-eyed fans.
Not long ago, a short promo released by Fox was all about Laura Kinney (X-23 in the comics). In it, viewers saw a piece of graffiti that reads: What Happened to the Mutants, hinting at a potential extinction-level event which appears to have taken place prior to the events depicted in Logan.
Even more recently, the wponx Instagram account, shared a new image from Logan that again plays up the idea of mutants facing extinction, and how the many exploits of Charles Xavier and his X-Men have been translated into comic book form, for the entertainment of those in the universe that the film aims to depict. It’s a clever meta element that will be interesting to see play out in the film itself.
Extinction A post shared by @wponx on Feb 28, 2017 at 8:15am PST
The photos that wponx has so far shared from the set of Logan are absolutely beautiful and this one is no different. The artistic eye that selected them seems to tie directly into the strong visual style that has appeared in all of the film’s trailer and television spots to date. There is a stark Fury Road-inspired view of the end of the world – or the end of the world as these characters know it – that transcends the sadness of the storytelling.
Conversely, the sparse information that accompanies these photos from Logan don’t give fans much more insight into the movie than they had before. While it does celebrate the strong sense of style that is prevalent in the film, it does little to explain more about the plot – which is probably a good thing. There is one full page from the Logan script on display as the very first picture uploaded, but even after careful examination there are few insights to be divined. With the film’s release just days away, this “extinction” image may well be one of the last photos like this that we’ll see.
Logan stars Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart in their final appearances as Logan and Professor X, respectively. The pair are potentially facing the extinction of their species as they protect Dafne Keen’s Laura Kinney. This movie marks James Mangold’s second round as director of a solo Logan movie, following The Wolverine in 2013.
Next: What Does Logan Mean For The X-Men Movie Universe?
Source: wponx
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