The sometimes reliable MacGeneration claims that Apple’s new MacBook Pros will feature higher resolution displays, better battery life, a lighter design, in addition to the rumored separate SSDs to store the operating system.

They also claim that the 13-inch MacBook Pro will gain a 3rd USB port, a matter screen option, and an i3 processor. They also say there will be an option to replace the superdrive on the 15 and 17 inch models with another SSD drive.  Perhaps that explains the rumor from yesterday.

The new MacBook Pros are said to adopt new, higher-resolution screens: 1440×900 on the 13″, 1680×1050 on the 15″. The new notebooks will also be 200-300 grams lighter and feature better battery life (also from yesterday). 12 hours of wireless productivity on the 13 inch and 10 hours on the 15 inch.

They also claim the 17 inch MacBook Pro will be equipped with 8 GB of RAM as standard. Finally, the report says the white 13 inch MacBook will be dropped from the lineup. This makes sense with the 13 inch MacBook Airs’ current success/prices and the new 13 inch MacBook Pro.

We can’t confirm this new information but we’ll surely know all this Thursday, February 24th.