Following our report this morning that the launch of updated MacBook Pros are imminent, we have been informed that Best Buy stores have recently placed in “Dummy SKUs” for an updated MacBook Pro line. According to the Best Buy inventory system, the new MacBook Pro line will feature an $1199 model, which is the base price for the current 13 inch MacBook Pro. This indicates that the up coming refresh will probably lack a price change.
Even more interesting is that the Best Buy inventory system is showing a March 11, 2011 release date for the upcoming MacBook Pro refresh. Although there is no way to know whether this date is absolutely correct or not, it is worth mentioning that Best Buy’s dates are traditionally a few days off. This can even represent the day Best Buy will have them in stock, versus actual announcement day. For those wondering, March 11th 2011 is a Friday.
The image above is of the purported launch date for the refresh, and the $1199 pricing figure shot is after the break.