New photos leaked online today claim to show the body of the upcoming 5.5-inch iPhone, recently dubbed the “iPhone 6L” in another leak. The parts in the images are said to have come directly from Apple’s supply chain, though that claim is obviously quite difficult to verify. The design of the body matches up with previous leaks (more photos below the break).

Apple is reportedly working on two similar versions of the iPhone 6 for release this fall, likely following an announcement on September 9th. Each model will be larger than the current iPhone 5s, coming in at 4.7 and 5.5 inches, respectively. The device will sport a sapphire crystal display, which we’ve seen on video in recent months, though some sources claim that only the 5.5-inch variant will get that specific upgrade.

The device will also have a larger battery to accomodate the increased screen size, which seems likely to feature a resolution of 828 x 1472 based on recent discoveries in Apple’s Xcode tool. According to recently-leaked images the bigger batteries will be 1810mAh in the smaller model and 2915mAh in the larger model.

Though some reports have indicated that the bigger version would be delayed, both models recently entered mass production and are expected to make simultaneous debuts in record numbers.

You can see even more of today’s leaked “iPhone 6L” photos below: