Pictures of supposed iPhone 6 production tooling leaked out yesterday. However, the initial images of the molds were blurry and lacked context. A new picture from compare the molds directly to an iPhone 4s.
The new device is substantially larger than the 4s. Nowhereelse did some Photoshopping and overlaid an iPhone 5s onto the image proportionally to gauge how big the impression actually is. Using this method, the site guesses a screen size of approximately 4.7 inches — as has been rumored by many sources in the past…
The writer notes that the dimensions line up with the size of the iPhone 5s (quoted via Google Translate):
Therefore, it is possible that this piece is used in the production of current iPhones. However, this contradicts previous reporting on the molds. Given the spate of larger-screened iPhone evidence recently, this cautious perspective seems unlikely but should not be disregarded.
Coincidentally or not, if the boxes iPhone 6 will actually be manufactured using the mold and assuming that my calculations are correct, this model should measure approximately 138mm long by 64mm wide and be fitted with a screen of 4.7 inches.
Finally, I would just like to clarify that the bottom of the mold measuring around 123mm long and 58mm wide which curiously corresponds to the dimensions of the iPhone 5s (123.8mm 58.6mm on). Therefore remain cautious and keep in mind that it could actually be used in the production of boxes of this model …