New Internal Communication Tools for Program Reinforcement

Now located within the SecurityIQ platform, the Security Excellence Resource Kit includes ready-made online and offline tools to reinforce key program lessons. All tools may be customized to match organizational branding. The latest release includes 40 posters that reiterate best practices on preventing phishing attacks, password security, data retention and more. Additional internal communication tools, such as employee newsletters, presentations and reporting guidelines, will be released in the coming weeks.

Improved Learner Data Upload Options

Program administrators may now upload employee manager data to learner profiles. Compatible with Active Directory, this new feature allows administrators to pull learner performance reports based on assigned managers and track results by teams. The manager data fields may also be included in emails to staff to improve completion rates, or used within phishing email templates for increased difficulty.

Enhanced Learner Group Management & Reporting

Dynamic learner groups may now be created using custom date ranges for events like learner account creation and date last phished. Designed to simplify the group creation and management process, this new tool streamlines addition of new groups to campaigns and allows for advanced customization of course content based on learner needs. About SecurityIQ SecurityIQ is an integrated security training program offering awareness training, phishing simulations and dedicated client support in one platform. Together, these tools will transform your workforce into guardians of critical data and infrastructure. Our time-proven and science-backed approach to security education helps your organization reach sustained attack avoidance rates of up to 99%.