Barron’s has a set of predictions today from BMO Capital analcyst Keith Bachman:

For starters, he sees the company launching two new iPods in September (SHOCKER – also swallows returning to Capistrano) More interestingly, he thinks that 1.7 inch Apple screen (BTW-original site got a C&D order) will be the new window into a smaller Nano, which will also “do away with the physical scroll wheel” (current one isn’t physical – but whatever) which likely indicates that the screen will be touch enabled.  All 1.7 inches of it.  I guess thats enough to imitate the features of a scroll wheel.  Or perhaps the back will be touchy scrolly? He also thinks, based on supplier checks, that Apple will release two new MacBook Airs in September as well.  These will be cheaper and therefore appeal to a much broader audience.  (If they still top out at 2GB of RAM, non-upgradable, I’ll kick a puppy!)  Frankly, Apple should make MacBook Airs their primary MacBooks.  Most people don’t need to lug around a DVD drive with them everywhere (USB!) and SSD’s will be dropping in price over the next few years. Also iPhone still selling like hotcakes (uses 3 week lead time on website as proof).  Story at 11.