The newest trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is an awesome nostalgia trip. The 9th film in the Skywalker saga aims to bring a satisfying conclusion to the story that originally began in 1977. That first film, Star Wars: A New Hope, changed the landscape of action-adventure-sci-fi and became a pop culture phenomenon. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker releases in theaters next month and will put a period at the end of that sentence—expectations couldn’t be higher.

With marketing at a climax, trailers, TV spots, magazines, and posters have all been devoted to building upon the film’s already hefty amount of anticipation; the film is already breaking ticket sales records. The toughest part about Disney’s approach to advertising revolves around the franchise’s proclivity for being tight-lipped; similarly to the secrecy of superhero movies and fantasy television shows, Star Wars keeps its plot under wraps.  All that is known Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is that it is the final showdown between The First Order and the Resistance featuring the surprise return of Emperor Palpatine. The newest trailer to be released for the film concerns something more important than plot: legacy.

During the American Music Awards (AMAS), a new Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker trailer aired. Without showing any new footage from the film, it took a look back at the impact Star Wars has had on pop culture over its many years of storytelling. The trailer’s retrospective nature looked at Star Wars cast (past and present), crew, and fans. Behind the scenes footage, interviews, press junkets, news reports are interwoven into a poignant mini-featurette embracing the way this story has resonated will people. Watch it below.

The original trilogy set the standard for Star Wars storytelling over four decades ago. Since then, audiences have been graced with a prequel trilogy and now, a sequel trilogy. Neither the prequels nor the sequels have been as universally beloved by fans as the series’ initial entries. Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been criticized for being eerily similar to Star Wars: A New Hope, and Star Wars: The Last Jedi for being overtly divisive. Regardless, the sequels have reinvigorated Star Wars with new life under the Disney masthead in a way no one has seen since 1977.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is being marketed as a movie that represents all that has come before it. Any missteps Star Wars has suffered in narrative over the years is overshadowed by the unique effect it has on the world. Disney, J.J. Abrams and everyone involved with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is aware of the final entry’s importance (as it is set to be the longest Star Wars movie ever). Hopefully, it carries the same amount of nostalgia, good intention, and awesomeness as its newest trailer.

More: Star Wars 9: Every Force Ghost That Could Appear (& Who Actually Should)

Source: Disney

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