. Following this morning’s September iPhone and iPad mini launch details from iMore, iLounge now offers some tasty additional details:

  • Next iPhone will ship in Mid-September (given iMore’s announcement last night, this isn’t a stretch)
  • 2 new iPhone cases will be released. The first will like the current bumper case and another will have additional features like a stand (they guess) which may come after launch.
  • iPod touch will be released alongside the iPhone with identical (1136×640 screen?)resolution.
  • New Nano. No details but others have said it will be longer.
  • 7.85 inch iPad mini with new 19-pin dock connector will ship in November, just in time for Christmas (but will still be announced in September?). This follows numerous earlier reports. Apple is working on Mini Smart Cases and Smart covers that resemble its larger counterparts. Speaking of the big guy…
  • Finally and probably most controversial, Apple will be updating its full sized iPad line with a thinner design less than a year after release. The new, new iPad design will be tweaked with a new back side mic and a less hot thinner design. Sharp’s rumored late IGZO displays would have made the iPad thinner and less thick and power-hungry/hot.

Finally, iLounge said everything could be released at one huge event or it might be spread out:

iLounge goes on to hedge that bet, however, saying that it would make more sense to see the new iPad at its traditionally-scheduled launch window of “early 2013”.

Interesting rumors—to say the least. I am not sure how happy I would be about having a six-month-old, outdated iPad. But, if Apple is switching dock connectors, who wants to buy something with old-fashioned 30-pins on it?