A new trailer for the third Walking Dead series reveals a connection to both Fear The Walking Dead and Rick Grimes. In season 9 of The Walking Dead, a heavily-injured Rick sacrificed himself to protect his people from an oncoming zombie horde. Assumed dead, Rick actually washed up on a riverbank, barely clinging to life, and was discovered by Jadis. The former leader of the Junkyard Community used her connections to the mysterious helicopter group to have Rick transported to parts unknown and the hero of the zombie apocalypse hasn’t been spotted on-screen since.
However, the group that took Rick have continued to appear, though largely via the spinoff series Fear The Walking Dead. In season 5, Maggie Grace’s Al happened across an armor-clad corpse bearing the same ’three rings’ symbol seen on the helicopter that carried away Rick. Al then made contact with a member of this powerful, secretive community and discovered they were called the CRM. Developing a relationship with her captor, Al learns that the CRM’s mission is connected to the future of humanity, but their members are willing to take lethal measures in ensuring their goal is not compromised.
The Walking Dead is soon to get a third series featuring a younger cast and set in the same time period as the other two shows. The first trailer for this still-untitled production was released at this past weekend’s New York Comic Con and among the various details revealed by the footage, the biggest was undoubtedly a recurrence of the same CRM symbol. At several points in the trailer, the three rings can be spied on the clothes of the lead adolescent characters. Also at NYCC, The Walking Dead franchise runner, Scott M. Gimple, revealed that the CRM was a allegiance between a trio of large communities.
A synopsis for this third series had already confirmed the protagonists would initially belong to a huge safe zone, and instead of heading to Bali or Thailand like other unsettled teens, would venture out into the wider world of the undead to “find themselves.” It now seems that these youngsters hail from either the same group that took Rick Grimes, the same group as Isabelle in Fear The Walking Dead, or a third community working in conjunction with the other two. This is further confirmed by the appearance of what appear to be fighter jets in the trailer - hinting at an arsenal deeper than just helicopters.
Given the all-encompassing nature of the CRM, it seems only a matter of time until the group become an integral part of The Walking Dead’s overall story and their appearance in the new spinoff is a sign of that increasing importance. Interestingly, the connection also confirms that the third Walking Dead series will sync up with the other two shows from the outset and provide far more detail about the identity of the people who took Rick, as well as the character’s current whereabouts.
For some fans, this synergy is a positive development, ensuring that the new Walking Dead venture’s emphasis on youth doesn’t take the franchise too far from the core story. However, the connections between The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead haven’t been universally well-received, and throwing another series into the mix could just complicate matters further.
More: Fear The Walking Dead May Have Revealed The Identity Of TWD’s Beta
The Walking Dead season 10 continues with “We Are The End Of The World” October 13th on ABC.
Fear The Walking Dead season 6 is currently without a release date. More news as it arrives.