As the Apple Watch launch draws nearer, with preorders starting April 10th, more and more developers are jumping on board. Uber rolled out a new update of its iPhone app today including its Apple Watch app — originally announced at the March event. The app allows users to request rides in one action and you can check on driver progress with a quick glance.
The New York Times is adding ‘one sentence stories’ to its portfolio for the Watch, including emoji-driven recipes and quick headlines. Push notifications will update Apple Watch users of breaking news right on the wrist. Full stories can be saved for later to be read at leisure on user’s iPhones, as the Watch form factor isn’t really appropriate for prolonged reading.
Flipboard also updated its app over the weekend with Apple Watch support. It’s unclear how the company will port its signature news-reading experience across to the Watch, which is launching with a very limited SDK that developers can use to make their apps. The notes say that the Watch app will display your personalised ten top stories, with Force Touch contextual menus for sharing headlines with friends.
Apple rolled out Apple Watch apps from a number of partners last week. Developers are still waiting for Apple to allow anyone to submit Apple Watch apps for review, which will open up the platform to even more developers for experimentation. Apple Watch launches on April 24th, from $349.