One of my favorite mail clients, Newton, is receiving a substantial new update today, removing the ‘Sent’ inbox entirely, a problem that the developers say significantly convolutes your inbox.

The issue at hand is pretty simple. When you send an email, it gets moved to the Sent folder of your inbox. A lot of users get around this issue by auto BCCing themselves to every email they send. Newton aims to resolve this issue by simply putting your reply in line in the inbox.

Newton already has Read Receipts in line with the inbox, so bringing sent mail into the inbox makes it less like a traditional mail app and more like a modern chat app such as iMessage.

The feature will be rolling out in phases over the next couple of weeks, but if you want to enable the feature now, head to Settings > General > Conversation View > True Inbox within the Newton app.

For new users, Newton offers a 14-day free trial. After that, you’ll need to pay $49.99 per year. It’s available on all your favorite Apple devices, including iOS and macOS, as well as Windows and Android, so you have no excuse not to try it.